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If you are experiencing Sleep difficulties with your toddler, then this Gentle Sleep Pack will help you to tackle those, giving you an option of sleep methods, informing you of the potential setbacks & how you can tackle them head on.

This pack also offer 2 schedules, one 12 months plus and then when you are ready to transition onto the next stage, you will also have the 15 month- 18 month routine to follow as your little one progresses onto the next stage. You will be informed of those common sleep problems at this age and just how to deal with them should they arise. You will also have a photo sheet which shows you some popular sleep props to help improve your little ones sleep & encourage them to sleep well.....There are tips on how to begin your process, including step by step guide to show you where to start and how to go through your first few weeks implementing change to your sleep journey, and if you want full control, then you can use my blank template to plan your own way!

Once your baby reaching the age and is ready to transition from 2-1 nap, you can read the available information on how best to deal with that tricky period and ensure your little one does not become overtired! Read at your own pace & feel confident and informed on how to deal with all potential sleep setbacks with ease!

12-18 Month Routine & Sleep Pack

SKU: CHKY 0007
    • One new schedule for 12 months plus
    • Next stage schedule for ages 15-18months
    • Gentle Sleep Methods list for younger babies
    • Gentle Sleep Methods for older babies & children
    • Plan your Process Tips sheet
    • Plan your Process- step by step guide
    • FAQ from other parents. Answered by myself in detail
    • Specific and common sleep topics for this age
    • How to deal with those sleep topics
    • What to expect in the coming months
    • Nap transitions- how to manage those
    • Photo sheet- Sleep Prop recommendations 
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